
Ireland’s Newest Outdoor CHALLENGE

It’s time to go back to the Land & Feel The Burren



Shaped by mother nature for millions of years, the Glacio-Karst landscape lying on the Western Atlantic Coastline, provides a unique setting for our challenge.

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Nestled on the lowlands of a working farm, the race rises majestically into the rock, covering 10kms in total. Starting off on Arthur's Field in beautiful Burren grasslands, competitors run through ancient stone paddocks and fields, through hedgerows and along lines of Silver Birch trees.

The trail brings the runner through Burren scrubland and reveals the next stage of the course. Higher ground lies ahead in the distance, as the run opens up into natural rises of multiple Clare Drumlins, onwards and higher. The course enters a huge field known to locals as The Pans,  up ahead in the distance, a pair of ancient Ash trees, standing high and majestic on their own, the sister trees of Niamh & Máire.

Then the trail pushes on towards Bouleevin, the Hill, the punishing rise to the top of this ancient land. The scenery changes on the higher ground, the view stretches out for miles and miles over Clare and Galway.

Finally at the Summit, the runners must pass through the 20ft High Standing Dolmen, facing North West accepting the Celtic Sun. The Bell of Bouleevin must be rung at the Dolmen, signalling the hill has been climbed.  High up away from it all, in one of Ireland's most unique places, clean air, fresh winds,  wide open Burren Sky, a place to Feel The Burren.

Down the hill the course continues, back to the lowlands, and the finishing line awaits. Competitors end this amazing 10kms by striding up and onto “The Standing Stone“ a 15 ton, 25 foot piece of the Burren Limestone, throw your arms aloft, and say

“I felt the Burren"

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Feel the Burren is an off-road experience, featuring naturally-occurring obstacles over a variety of terrain, on a 10km course.




Email Josephine at feeltheburren@gmail.com with any query you may have.

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